Monash R Workshop
Software to install
- RStudio Desktop 0.99.879
- 2015-12-10, "Wooden Christmas-Tree"
R packages, and all of their dependencies
- readr, readxl, haven, XML, RSQLite, nycflights13, babynames
- tidyr, dplyr, lubridate, forecast
- ggplot2, maps, ggmap, maptools, gridExtra
- dichromat, RColorBrewer, scales, ggthemes
- rmarkdown, knitr
- shiny, htmlwidgets, plotly
Course Notes
These are the copies of the slides for the course. Notes are produced with Rmarkdown, so that you can re-create them, and saved as html (or pdf or docx).
- Hello WoRld
(R script, Rmd file)
- Plotting Data (R script, Rmd file)
- Data wRangling (R script, Rmd file)
- Modelling (R script, Rmd file)
- Shiny (interactive graphics) (R script, Rmd file)