
The Data Analysis Workflow

A web of data

  • In 2008, an estimated 154 million HTML tables (out of the 14.1 billion) contain 'high quality relational data'!!!
  • Hard to quantify how much more exists outside of HTML Tables, but there is an estimate of at least 30 million lists with 'high quality relational data'.
  • A growing number of websites/companies provide programmatic access to their data/services via web APIs (that data typically comes in XML/JSON format).

Before scraping, do some googling!

  • Chances are, someone else built a tool to help you.
  • I wrote pitchRx which downloads, parses, cleans, and transforms XML data for a specific baseball data resource. Just give it start/end dates.
  • ropensci has a ton of R packages providing easy-to-use interfaces to open data.
  • The Web Technologies and Services CRAN Task View is a great overview of various tools for working with data that lives on the web in R.

A web of messy data!

  • In statistical modeling, we typically assume data is tidy.
  • That is, data appears in a tabular form where
    • 1 row == 1 observation
    • 1 column == 1 variable (observational attribute)
  • Parsing HTML/XML/JSON is easy; but putting it into a tidy form is typically not easy.
  • Knowing a bit about modern tools & web technologies makes it much easier.

Motivating Example

Inspecting elements

Hover to find desired elements


src <- html("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_(information)")
node <- html_node(src, css = ".wikitable")
  • ".wikitable" is a CSS selector which says: "grab nodes (aka elements) with a class of wikitable".
  • html_table() converts a single <table> node to a data frame.
#>   First name   Last name Age
#> 1       Tinu    Elejogun  14
#> 2  Blaszczyk Kostrzewski  25
#> 3       Lily   McGarrett  16
#> 4 Olatunkboh    Chijiaku  22
#> 5   Adrienne    Anthoula  22
#> 6     Axelia  Athanasios  22
#> 7  Jon-Kabat        Zinn  22


html("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_(information)") %>%
  html_node(".wikitable") %>% html_table()
#>   First name   Last name Age
#> 1       Tinu    Elejogun  14
#> 2  Blaszczyk Kostrzewski  25
#> 3       Lily   McGarrett  16
#> 4 Olatunkboh    Chijiaku  22
#> 5   Adrienne    Anthoula  22
#> 6     Axelia  Athanasios  22
#> 7  Jon-Kabat        Zinn  22
  • Much easier to read/understand!

Your Turn 1

Navigate this page and try the following:

Easy: Grab the table at the bottom of the page (hint: instead of grabbing a node by class with html_node(".class"), you can grab by id with html_node("#id"))

Medium: Grab the actual mean, max, and min temperature.

Hard: Grab the weather history graph and write the figure to disk (download.file() may be helpful here).

See here for a solution (thanks Hadley Wickham for the example)

What about non-<table> data?

(selectorgadget + rvest) to the rescue!

Extracting links to download reports

Your Turn 2

Nativigate to Wikipedia's list of data structures use SelectorGadget + rvest to do the following:

  1. Obtain a list of Primitive types
  2. Obtain a list of the different Array types

See here for a solution.

Scraping dynamic web pages

A simple example

html("http://bl.ocks.org/cpsievert/raw/2a9fb8f504cd56e9e8e3/") %>%
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): No matches
  • Huh, no <table>?

html("http://bl.ocks.org/cpsievert/raw/2a9fb8f504cd56e9e8e3/") %>%
  html_node("body") %>% as.character() %>% cat()
#> <body>
#>     A Simple Table made with JavaScript
#>     <p/>
#>     <script><![CDATA[
#>       function tableCreate(){
#>         var body = document.body,
#>           tbl  = document.createElement('table');
#>         for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
#>           var tr = tbl.insertRow();
#>           for(var j = 0; j < 3; j++){
#>             var td = tr.insertCell();
#>             td.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Cell"));
#>           }
#>         }
#>         body.appendChild(tbl);
#>       }
#>       tableCreate();
#>     ]]></script>
#>   </body>

Browser <-> Web Server

rdom can construct the DOM:

rdom("http://bl.ocks.org/cpsievert/raw/2a9fb8f504cd56e9e8e3/") %>%
  html_node("table") %>% html_table()
    X1   X2   X3
1 Cell Cell Cell
2 Cell Cell Cell
3 Cell Cell Cell

You can give rdom() CSS Selectors directly to avoid sending the entire DOM from phantomjs to R

rdom("http://www.techstars.com/companies/stats/", "table") %>%

Don't abuse your power

  • If you scrape a website, please read the terms and conditions!!
  • For client-side dynamic sites, it's sometimes more efficient/appropriate to find the API rather than rendering the entire DOM.
  • If a website public offers an API, USE IT (instead of scraping)!!!

Web APIs

  • Server-side Web APIs are a popular way to provide easy access to data and other services.
  • If you (the client) want data from a server, you typically need one HTTP verb – GET.
response <- GET("https://api.github.com/users/hadley")
content(response)[c("name", "company")]
#> $name
#> [1] "Hadley Wickham"
#> $company
#> [1] "RStudio"
  • Other HTTP verbs – POST, PUT, DELETE, etc…
    • You probably won't need these unless your developing a web app.

Request/response model

  • When you (the client) requests a resource from the server. The server responds with a bunch of additional information.
#> $server
#> [1] "GitHub.com"
#> $date
#> [1] "Wed, 02 Mar 2016 04:12:22 GMT"
#> $`content-type`
#> [1] "application/json; charset=utf-8"
  • Nowadays content-type is usually XML or JSON (HTML is great for sharing content between people, but it isn't great for exchanging data between machines.)

What is XML?

XML is a markup language that looks very similar to HTML.

  <driver name="Bowser" occupation="Koopa">
    <vehicle speed="55" weight="25"> Wario Bike </vehicle>
    <vehicle speed="40" weight="67"> Piranha Prowler </vehicle>
  <driver name="Peach" occupation="Princess">
    <vehicle speed="54" weight="29"> Royal Racer </vehicle>
    <vehicle speed="50" weight="34"> Wild Wing </vehicle>
  • This example shows that XML can (and is) used to store inherently tabular data (thanks Jeroen Ooms for the fun example)
  • What is are the observational units here? How many observations in total?
  • Two units and 6 total observations (4 vehicles and 2 drivers).


XML2R is a framework to simplify acquistion of tabular/relational XML.

obs <- XML2Obs("https://gist.githubusercontent.com/cpsievert/85e340814cb855a60dc4/raw/651b7626e34751c7485cff2d7ea3ea66413609b8/mariokart.xml")
#>          mariokart//driver mariokart//driver//vehicle 
#>                          2                          4
  • The main idea of XML2R is to coerce XML into a flat list of observations.
  • The list names track the "observational unit".
  • The list values track the "observational attributes".

#> $`mariokart//driver//vehicle`
#>      speed weight XML_value     
#> [1,] "55"  "25"   " Wario Bike "
#> $`mariokart//driver//vehicle`
#>      speed weight XML_value          
#> [1,] "40"  "67"   " Piranha Prowler "
#> $`mariokart//driver`
#>      name     occupation
#> [1,] "Bowser" "Koopa"   
#> $`mariokart//driver//vehicle`
#>      speed weight XML_value      
#> [1,] "54"  "29"   " Royal Racer "
#> $`mariokart//driver//vehicle`
#>      speed weight XML_value    
#> [1,] "50"  "34"   " Wild Wing "
#> $`mariokart//driver`
#>      name    occupation
#> [1,] "Peach" "Princess"

collapse_obs(obs) # group into table(s) by observational name/unit
#> $`mariokart//driver`
#>      name     occupation
#> [1,] "Bowser" "Koopa"   
#> [2,] "Peach"  "Princess"
#> $`mariokart//driver//vehicle`
#>      speed weight XML_value          
#> [1,] "55"  "25"   " Wario Bike "     
#> [2,] "40"  "67"   " Piranha Prowler "
#> [3,] "54"  "29"   " Royal Racer "    
#> [4,] "50"  "34"   " Wild Wing "
  • What information have I lost?
  • I can't map vehicles to the drivers!

obs <- add_key(obs, parent = "mariokart//driver", recycle = "name")
#> $`mariokart//driver`
#>      name     occupation
#> [1,] "Bowser" "Koopa"   
#> [2,] "Peach"  "Princess"
#> $`mariokart//driver//vehicle`
#>      speed weight XML_value           name    
#> [1,] "55"  "25"   " Wario Bike "      "Bowser"
#> [2,] "40"  "67"   " Piranha Prowler " "Bowser"
#> [3,] "54"  "29"   " Royal Racer "     "Peach" 
#> [4,] "50"  "34"   " Wild Wing "       "Peach"

Now (if I want) I can merge the tables into a single table…

tabs <- collapse_obs(obs)
merge(tabs[[1]], tabs[[2]], by = "name")
#>     name occupation speed weight         XML_value
#> 1 Bowser      Koopa    55     25       Wario Bike 
#> 2 Bowser      Koopa    40     67  Piranha Prowler 
#> 3  Peach   Princess    54     29      Royal Racer 
#> 4  Peach   Princess    50     34        Wild Wing

What about JSON?

  • JSON is quickly becoming the format for data on the web.
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is comprised of two components:
    • arrays => [value1, value2]
    • objects => {"key1": value1, "key2": [value2, value3]}

Back to Mariokart

        "driver": "Bowser",
        "occupation": "Koopa",
        "vehicles": [
                "model": "Wario Bike",
                "speed": 55,
                "weight": 25
                "model": "Piranha Prowler",
                "speed": 40,
                "weight": 67
        "driver": "Peach",
        "occupation": "Princess",
        "vehicles": [
                "model": "Royal Racer",
                "speed": 54,
                "weight": 29
                "model": "Wild Wing",
                "speed": 50,
                "weight": 34

mario <- fromJSON("http://bit.ly/mario-json")
str(mario) # nested data.frames?!? 
#> 'data.frame':    2 obs. of  3 variables:
#>  $ driver    : chr  "Bowser" "Peach"
#>  $ occupation: chr  "Koopa" "Princess"
#>  $ vehicles  :List of 2
#>   ..$ :'data.frame': 2 obs. of  3 variables:
#>   .. ..$ model : chr  "Wario Bike" "Piranha Prowler"
#>   .. ..$ speed : int  55 40
#>   .. ..$ weight: int  25 67
#>   ..$ :'data.frame': 2 obs. of  3 variables:
#>   .. ..$ model : chr  "Royal Racer" "Wild Wing"
#>   .. ..$ speed : int  54 50
#>   .. ..$ weight: int  29 34

#> [1] "Bowser" "Peach"
#> [[1]]
#>             model speed weight
#> 1      Wario Bike    55     25
#> 2 Piranha Prowler    40     67
#> [[2]]
#>         model speed weight
#> 1 Royal Racer    54     29
#> 2   Wild Wing    50     34

How do we get two tables (with a common id) like the XML example?

# this mapply statement is essentially equivalent to add_key
vehicles <- Map(function(x, y) cbind(x, driver = y), 
                   mario$vehicles, mario$driver)
Reduce(rbind, vehicles)
#>             model speed weight driver
#> 1      Wario Bike    55     25 Bowser
#> 2 Piranha Prowler    40     67 Bowser
#> 3     Royal Racer    54     29  Peach
#> 4       Wild Wing    50     34  Peach
mario[!grepl("vehicle", names(mario))]
#>   driver occupation
#> 1 Bowser      Koopa
#> 2  Peach   Princess

Hello shiny!

What is shiny?

Motivating Example

# install dependencies and run first example (press ESC to quit)
if (!require("shiny")) install.packages("shiny")
if (!require("leaflet")) install.packages("leaflet")
runGitHub("rstudio/shiny-examples", subdir = "063-superzip-example")

Learn by example

ui <- fluidPage(
    inputId = "size",
    label = "Choose a point size",
    value = 3, min = 1, max = 10
server <- function(input, output) {
  output$plotId <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) + 
      geom_point(size = input$size)
shinyApp(ui, server)

ui <- fluidPage(
      inputId = "x", label = "Choose an x variable", choices = names(mtcars)
      inputId = "y", label = "Choose an y variable", choices = names(mtcars)
server <- function(input, output) {
  output$plotId <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(mtcars, aes_string(input$x, input$y)) + 
shinyApp(ui, server)

Your Turn

  • Add a control for colour.
  • Get creative!